An example conference paper

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In Wowchemy Conference
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Anxhelo Diko
Anxhelo Diko
PhD Student In Computer Science

A highly motivated and results-oriented Computer Vision Ph.D. student with a deep passion for advancing the field of artificial intelligence. My research focuses on building multimodal representations and understanding human activities from ego/exocentric perspectives, addressing key challenges for autonomous agents and AI in general. I have extensive experience with multimodal large language models for video captioning and question answering and a keen interest in view-invariant video representation learning. I’m particularly committed to exploring how to effectively bridge the gap between representations of different modalities while preserving their unique characteristics. In addition to my research expertise, I possess a strong engineering foundation honed through academic and industry experiences. Proficient in Python, C++, and CUDA, I excel at rapidly prototyping and implementing innovative ideas. I’m eager to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute to cutting-edge research and development in this dynamic field.